Tuesday, January 29, 2008

DragED by limits


Blog in the afternoon??? Heheh im borED and i didnt manage to blog last night cause watchin WWE.
Theres always ups and down for everything. Seems today onwards, many things gonna stop my plans and practise. Im not sure about the continue of my blogs cause my cousin will be here very soon. And thats why i blog a little bit early. Well, im sure my cousin will gonna use my laptop for sure and i know she havent online for few weeks. hmm..... yea, i tried to separate my laptop from her by let her sleep at another room.
Updates for plan- well i found some extra wires for the instruments , and i even found another microphone in the storeroom. So......without dragging my time and the band. Im gonna rehearsED with the others in maybe around this week. For the fire crackers and fire works, Nitro found a friend who sell a lot. So 1st thing 1st, decide what type of fire works 1st, then the price ,then how many, then when to receive then when to shoot, then where to place................
Im very confident about the whole set and stuff, and all we need now is to find more help and gatherED everyone to discuss. The suck part about this, is interuptions from cousins and family. Darn it, i wish being alone at home continuED untill the video shot is over.
Anyways , i did some clean ups around the house and search for goods.And still, i need to wait 1 sms from the office.......so i can drift like a wave. XD

Sunday, January 27, 2008

BURN confirm

The circle is completing soon. Yep, the vocal is gonna join in,and he likes the idea too,and some of my friends wanna help out for the set up. Todays sunday, another holy sunday. Went to youth again, and i did sharED some stuffs for the class cause everyone need to. I talkED about what happen to my drivin and stuff.....heheh .Ya memang nothing much happen besides that. Then we all went to eat together at somewhere KELOMBONG. I didnt went for sports cause Raymond, Nitro and I went to watch MEET THE SPARTANS . LOL. 1st we parked at Warisan square then walked to centre point. But the show was kinda late at 5.30. So we decided to walk to Cathay from there.
The movie? LoL, it was freakin hilarious. But pity cause a lot of stupid censorED and cut. Darn MALAYSIA SUCKS AT CINEMA. So sad!!!!! because of the stupid cut, then causes the movie shorten and early finish. It took us only watch for 1 damn hour. CRAP !!!!! I felt not enough and wasted my money. 8 bucks per person but only 1 darn hour. hmm....well we all decide to watch it again by downloadin it....haha. Raymond said watch back which we didnt watch just now. Then it reminds me about the other movie- RAMBO 4. So i decidED to watch it by buy disc.
Nothing much happen after that, so i went home eat and watch TV. So, IN CONCLUSION,


Friday, January 25, 2008

Upcoming BURNS

BurN.I.Nman video is coming soon.........And yes those drums are in my room. This early morning i drove to Nitro's house and help him pack up his drums and fit in my car. LOL!!! thats right.....illegal isnt it..... although pass doesnt mean everything..... i drove to times cause to take my microphone.....so sad it flew all the way to KL for no reason.. er... i dont know, HAHA.
And again, the new video and the song is "FROM YESTERDAY" sang from the band "30 SECOND TO MARS" actually i was just planning to shoot a normal video but then NITRO's idea is totaly crazy and I LIKE IT !!!!! its gonna be like this..... me and the band - Nigel= drums , Jeremy= keyboard, and Ivan = vocals ..if possible then ,Gregory=bassist.
All of us will play and shoot this video behind my house at the middle of the basketball court at NIGHT!!!! Yep, for the date ,im havent confirm yet .The interesting part is the court's sport light and a lot of fire crackers and fire works behind. It will burn when the song reach around 3.25
This may sound crazy but i think Nitro gave a very meaningful idea.....The reason we do this is represents chinese culture....LOL JUST LIKE CREATIVE STUDIES "CROSS CULTURE" .
westernized chinese crap.
So this morning me and Nitro practise a lot.... we did play umbrella from vanila sky, songs from ten masked men, Love is only a feeling from darkness, and etc. The best song we playED of course FROM YESTERDAY. Nitro went back at 12 somethin cause of some guy gonna fix his comp, then as promise Dexter came around 3 to 4. Then i realize he got talent more than his bro, i teach him to play FAR AWAY from Nickel back, yeah hes better than his crap bro. then same thing lah , i asked : Wheres your bro? .....he replied: Bro is busy......
LOL....hes always busy, and i bet hes gonna tell CB about all the instruments that i have in my room. OH WELL...... THATS ABOUT IT, AND FOR TOMOROW IM GONNA DISCUSS WITH MY VOCAL....LOL

BONUS- i did sms my tutor and thanks for the lesson LoL , i even tell him this-

ED- KLA, me know how to drive, i race you lah!!!! sket you arh!!!! LOL

he replied- HAHAHA, F*CK YOU LAH, TUNGGU SYA MODIFY KERTA SYA BAH THEN WE RACE....... heheh budu lah, eh dont be crazy.... take care lah.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Expect the unexpected.......

Look at him. One happy aRssclown. Yep, I PASS MY TEST !!!!!!!!!! with full determination. Sweat, all the lessons have finaly come to an end.And im so freakin happy. I haven’t sleep well these days cause of this crap.Well i did pray for luck and it works!!!!!! It was a miracle!!!! I almost fail but then something help me,I had I strange feeling flew tru me, then…….POWELLL!!!!! Heheh, I did lied to other people about me failed the test.1st was my mom, I told her I tried hard .Then….blah blah blah. She finaly knew I was lying, LoL.
And another hand, my parents receive my uni results last year.And the results improve a lot!!!!! I got ‘A’ for my history of art, and ‘B’ for all the results. LoL !!! no ‘C’, and its kinda hard to belive, and yet theres gonna be a reward for that, and im not sure what it is, another guitar? LoL, don’t know bout that..
Everything went so fine but until………The basketball rematch. After i went home, I sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
The whole afternoon and woke up in the evening.and play basketball for the rematch. Today supposed to go very well, I did many shots compared to last time,At the beginning we were leading 6-1 then the 7th shot I used one of favourite shots (shoot the ball from my back) then lead the game. So I just try to give chance to them and Dexter say he try to show off so impossible moves. Sadly the budak gam lead us and beat us by keep shooting 3 point shots. Oh well,I learn that never give chance to people at all. I don’t blame Dexter cause he had been playing since 4 then I went there around 5.30. As for tomorrow, Dex is gonna hang out at my house, hopefully he don’t bring CB here….And then we gonna have our rematch again!!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

ArmED and dangerousED .......

Sweeeeeet isnt it.... ngeheheh. The guns? actually three of them was given from friend Raphael. 1 BULLPUP mini size machine gun, a DESSERT EAGLE air gun and a Sidearm pistol BB gun.
Today he was going to Melbourne and study there. Todays totaly my lucky day, finaly a day without boredness. He also gave me all his PS2 games as well. So nice of him, and im gonna miss him too. Yep as you can see a little target list there.....bwahaha. And today we went to asia city to eat and i tried to show him a new shop with GUNS. unfortunately the shop closed down.So sad... i was planning to buy a GUNDAM there. Speaking of GUNDAM, i finally got GN EXIA 001 from OSAKA, he did buy the GUNDAM for me.....so nice.
Then the evening i walk to damai and eat pizza hut. Dont know why im so hungry, then walk back home and go play basketball behind the house.Dexter also playing there, then he told me C.B is busy. hah !!!! Hes always busy....... Then 1st time ever DEX and ED teaming up together challenge 2 budak gam. WOW,I cant belive it, i havent seen budak gams for 2 years and they still around and run so damn fast, then we play for 1 hardcore match. I felt dizzy while playin then got FRUK some shots. But Dexter shoot a lot. At the end we won. 10- 6 . I felt pain straight away and very hard to breath. It sure is 1 crazy day for me.So i went home. Then they wantED a rematch next time.Im so damn rEaDy......

Monday, January 14, 2008


hmmm....... i cant remember anything much happen today. All i remember is food. Yep yep!!!!!
todays monday and its VEDABLU 15% then i went to tried donuts.

At home, still the same...... online, TV , sleep , CS , sleep , eat ...... and still, the beautiful pedals ROCK my word,and i even read the manual book, i realize that theres still more stuff i haven know.Besides that, i did tried download more songs for guitar pro .And as for my white strat, the feeling of playing it was change after uncle Gordon repaired it. And heard from nigel wanna move his drums in, and since CNY near, i try to make it pedal to da metal.Cause ive been hearing CNY songs nowadays are techno, it was so weird. Anyways , i just wanna try entertaint new crazy weird metal songs for 2008. haha , feel kinda disgrace to tradition......

Friends .....? well a few of them leaving KK to KL. Thats kinda sad...haha and happy too!!!!! saying good bye to them then welcome them again. And this coming few weeks maybe gonna be even more quiet untill CNY.Moments ago i did went out drink with friends and the so called "back up" Liaw is gonna move to his hostel at his college.Last night was supposed to go out drink cause of Ronnan's birthday,i felt sad cause not going out to celebrate with him, but im gonna buy him a guitar pick, a light MM pick cause i heard that he can break guitar strings easily.....haha kasian, so at least i got some objective to do for tomorow or later.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

BORN TO WAH !!!!!!!!!!

WAH !!!!!!!!!!!!-

Isnt it beautiful .HAHA, YEP !!! my uncle got a pedal with a lot a lot a lot........."breath".......a lot a lot a lot!!!!!! HOLY COW !!!! a lot effects. Some i never heard before like RING distortion , vintage distortion, phase delay, slow attack and etc..... its is so pretty " tears "

BUT !!!!!!!

The price had been drop, my uncle bought that pedal around 1 thousand ++++ so he decide to sell 1 thousand only. I havent ask for more discount yet but i try to find a way. My dad???..... im not very sure about that cause he had help me paid a lot of stuff but not this time, i swear. My mom????......HEHEHEHEEEEEEE......... yeah, she knows but 1 sollution and its kinda hard for me to do it......is by cutting my hair..... gosh :(

Anyways....... i didnt forget what day is today.......today is my sports day !!!!! I did play badminton with ping "PONG" and NICHOLASbian. Then play badminton and basketball at shan tao school. Then went home and go out eat with parents and cousin. The food was nice, its some kinda meat with curry flavour under the skin. nice .......... Then reach home bath and guitar as usual.But this time i did more research with my "future pedal" haha. So who knows maybe my next new guitar plug in will make new SYIOK sounds...LOL . AND THATS IT !!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


wednesday !!!!!!!!!!! another same day and another killing bots crazy way.

well, today left liaw and me LAN the game. Cause another 1 is busy, HAHA kasian.
- asault
I tried to fight him on italy map, well since i have keep teaming with him for 2 hours i try challege him a friendly match. HAHA i knew he was at the window waiting for CT to appear.So i bought sniper and gave him a fast head shot 1st kill......HAHA so darn funny.But then took few second i got shot from his so called "LENG" in cantonesse or "MA ZHAI" in hakka,cause i set the all bots expert, so they can appear from no where and get you.

speaking of menu, my mom cooked lamb chop, and 1 word for me to say and that its



well, thats it im kinda tired cause now is 11 somethin, gonna ZZZzzzz..............................

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

reality and bussiness

lets just say, i miss monday's blog. NGEAH !!!!

And we talk bout tuesday. Well, just miss the movies instead of going out with dad to those chinese medical shop in the mornin. Things that i learn........." wait " yep yep, everything also need to wait. PAH TUI !!!!!!!

In the afternoon, ngeh heh !!!!! Finaly, i can play games by wireless connection. Me , Liaw and jeremy gone crazy with CS. So damn nice,we all play them in my room and on the floor.
1st map- (test map) dedust, then continue with others like assault and militia. No doubt, Liaw's a psycho killer. I cant even concerntrate at my game... HAHA... then we go back around 5 then decide to continue at night. I also though about other games like warcratf, red alert, IGI and then JEDI OUTCAST .But just remember the disc was at siao's place, so i went i get em. And bla bla bla ( traffic jam, wrong road) Then came back and play. The continue of the game are more fun and crazier with spartan style and resident evil wanna be. At least we all play on the table.
The stupiest part......can you imagine yourself witn two of your friends and together fight 17 Blood thirsty terrorist. HAHA, i laugh so damn hard and i cant even resist,so i fell to the floor and made my shoulder wound got worst. It was the most fun days i ever had.My dad told me i can make bussiness with it, then.....na. i prefer free to everyone.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


and todays sunday........believe it or not, i miss church. I though today supposed to be one of those boring week days. Well i felt sorry for that. I went the so called SHWIMMIN at KGC.My mom saw me and i scream at her : OI !!!!! pulang la."

HEH !!!! i did some Add-on for my laptop !!!! welcome back ARES and CS !!!! it has been fun playin warcraft for this whole week. Now at least got income for gaming, and i got me confirm back to kL around FEB 15.

URGH !!!!! cant think much, cause im hungry for gaming. MUAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!