YEP .... borED.... LoL, just doing my assingments but end up crap picture taking. Today i woke late, and i was wrong,hmm....sounds kidish. BAH !!!! today i force to ride MOTORBIKE, haha!!! yes, my friend drove his bike to uni and i force to follow cause theres no other transportation,and some more im late... But....Lucky ED strikes again, im not the last person to class eheheh...
On my way to class, and i cant believe my eyes......PS3 !!!!! DUDE !!!!! so many people thrash in game lab to test new games. Well too bad i wasnt the 1st to test but ill be using game lab this FRIDAY!!!! AND YAY!!!!!......
Speaking of friday, my next interactive media video... im gonna record ne video tomorow.And this time Chin "classmate" wanna work with me. Admit, he is a better script writter than me and thats a good thing for me.For this video, im gonna do commercials as a matter what kinds of drinks you drank can never turn from n00b to GODLIKE!!!..eheh ,sounds like im critisizing advertisment from TV. But, its just an ASSignment and i dont care. LoL.
What else....oh and about guitars, im looking forward on IBANEZ JEM series "STEVE VAI GUITAR".... LoL, sounds ridiculous right, i think i know how to get 1 cheaper. And of course, it gonna happen in my birthday of course. These few weeks.....I PAWNED CS again in CC.Now i understand how classmates enter my world..MUAHAHA. nah... of course i did lose some rounds.
Anyways, ive been practising everynight after ASSignments, And of course CS ownED !!!!!!